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Water Ranch


Bronzed Cowbird July 21, 2023b.jpg

My hand.jpg  May 2023

Bronzed Cowbird Monthly Graph.jpg

July 21, 2023 at 2:36 PM

Ditsworth and I went to the Water Ranch and saw 28 birds. The best was the bronzed cowbird. (PICTURE COMING FROM DITS!) The first was Bronzed Cowbird 08/12/2007.
I've gone there 226 times. This time, everyone else FLAKED and didn't come. They FLAKED. We walked a long time. Here are the birds. Also I took a picture of my BRONZED HAND.

Bronzed Cowbird 08/12/2007
Bronzed Cowbird 6/25/2010
Bronzed Cowbird 7/21/2023

1. Verdin 7/21/2023
2. Brown-headed Cowbird 7/21/2023
3. Snowy Egret 7/21/2023
4. Killdeer 7/21/2023
5. Black-necked Stilt 7/21/2023
6. Song Sparrow 7/21/2023
7. Mallard 7/21/2023
8. American Avocet 7/21/2023
9. House Finch 7/21/2023
10. White-winged Dove 7/21/2023
11. Mourning Dove 7/21/2023
12. Anna's Hummingbird 7/21/2023
13. Black Phoebe 7/21/2023
14. Generic Sandpiper 7/21/2023
15. American Coot 7/21/2023
16. Bronzed Cowbird 7/21/2023
17. Gila Woodpecker 7/21/2023
18. Western Kingbird 7/21/2023
19. Great Egret 7/21/2023
20. Black-crowned Night-Heron 7/21/2023
21. Green Heron 7/21/2023
22. House Sparrow 7/21/2023
23. Double-Crested Cormorant 7/21/2023
24. Great Blue Heron 7/21/2023
25. Abert's Towhee 7/21/2023
26. Eurasian Collared Dove 7/21/2023
27. Great-tailed Grackle 7/21/2023
28. Canada Goose 7/21/2023


1. Bronzed Cowbird 7/21/2023 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads

2. Bronzed Cowbird 6/22/2012 Western Canal

3. Bronzed Cowbird 7/7/2011 Generic Place Anywhere

4. Bronzed Cowbird 6/5/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads

5. Bronzed Cowbird 6/4/2011 Elliot and Cooper Roads

6. Bronzed Cowbird 6/25/2010 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads

7. Bronzed Cowbird 6/4/2010 Mesquite Wash

8. Bronzed Cowbird 07/11/2009 Boyce Thompson Arboretum

9. Bronzed Cowbird 08/12/2007 Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads

10. Bronzed Cowbird 05/10/2007 Generic Place Anywhere

11. Bronzed Cowbird 02/15/2007 Arizona State University

12. Bronzed Cowbird 02/09/2007 Arizona State University

13. Bronzed Cowbird 05/17/2005 Patagonia

14. Bronzed Cowbird 05/18/2003 Tucson Arizona

15. Bronzed Cowbird 07/20/2002 Patagonia

16. Bronzed Cowbird 05/18/2002 Elliot and Cooper Roads

17. Bronzed Cowbird 8/12/2001 Arizona State University

18. Bronzed Cowbird 7/11/2001 Arizona State University

19. Bronzed Cowbird 06/04/2001 Arizona State University

20. Bronzed Cowbird 5/24/2001 Arizona State University

21. Bronzed Cowbird 9/30/2000 Phoenix Zoo

22. Bronzed Cowbird 7/21/2000 Arizona State University

23. Bronzed Cowbird 7/19/2000 Arizona State University

24. Bronzed Cowbird 7/14/2000 Arizona State University

25. Bronzed Cowbird 7/13/2000 Arizona State University

26. Bronzed Cowbird 7/18/1999 Yucatan Tulum

27. Bronzed Cowbird 5/9/1998 Boyce Thompson Arboretum